Tuesday, December 14, 2010

WellUnreal007 the AUGH-man!

I'm sitting here at work, stuck and slighty frustrated with no ideas in my head and a game review in the works along with another blog post and all I can do for WellUnreal007 is make a blog post about him on his birthday.  In case you don't know who Unreal is, it's this dude.

I'm starting to notice that a lot of us are using this picture a lot.

This is the man who will play just about any video game, and end up liking the game a lot or taking notice to its flaws and picking them piece by piece (the latter he does a lot), but either way he is a really fun guy to hang out with.  Now on to the good stuff.

How did we meet?

Ah, him and I go way back in the year 2008.  The year where I graduated from high school and had no clue as to where to go with my life.  I was browsing Marc0's oldest youtube page (which was Armake21), and eventually registered in one of the forums he was a part of and learned about skype.  After installing it I found myself eventually talking to him in a group chat along with a couple of key people who I eventually became good friends with.  WellUnreal007 is one of them.  Just another guy who wanted to be noticed as much as I did.  He showed me his game review on Game Party for the Wii and I found it to be really enjoyable.  We begin to talk for a while, including talking about some of the internet drama that has been going on that we honestly should not have even allow to concern ourselves.  Nevertheless ever since that group chat I was in during one of Marc0's live streams, me and Unreal became good friends.
A Heavy Rain shot without Paige.  :\
 The times we help.
I try to be there for Unreal as much as I could.  There was a time when he was really down one night after something bad really happened.  I wanted to help him the best I could.  What I did with him was watch Disaster Movie together.  It was a horrible movie, so horrible we laughed so hard at how stupid it was.  Of course we hated the movie.  Heck now a days, Unreal hates this over Quantum Theory (and he really hated that game).  There were other times where he was down but I've been there to try what I can to help him out, which involves buying him video games over the Wii Virtual Console, a t-shirt from the Spoony Experiment, and giving him my thoughts on how I would handle certain issues and offer my pieces of philosophy, or simply act stupid for the sake of giving him something to laugh (or berate) at.  Even the little things like helping him with getting gaming achievements means a lot between us.
Connecticon 2010.
It was after Connecticon 2009 where Unreal had met scxcr in real life where I have shown interest in going for 2010.  After all the planning that the both of us had done as well as working out a few issues that occurred in the process, we had gotten our other good friends to jump in as I and scxcr provided funds for the hotels, and Unreal provided transportation for both me and Shadowsnake123 from the airport as well as a place to stay after the convention.
For some reason, a cat popped up after google image searching for WellUnreal007
 When we first met in real life, I could not help but feel really happy about it.  We both had a lot of crap, including Nerf guns that we both enjoy collecting (I had the vulcan while he had the sword).  I had Pjanoo ready to play when I arrived to Hartford, Connecticut.  My laptop was really laggy though.  I was opening up my Windows Media Player software, desperately trying to get the music going as we walked towards luggage pick up downstairs of the airport.  My laptop simply refused to respond.  I was talking with one of the employees about luggage pick up, and as Shadowsnake123 noticed Unreal walking towards up, Pjanoo started playing.  Perfect timing!

Of course at the convention itself, and at the hotels, we all had a lot of fun.  He looked out for me, like the rest of the guys, when I was ill on Saturday night at a rave party.  I really appreciated him and everyone else for being there for me.  After connecticon, he allowed me and Shadowsnake123 to stay at his house for three days.  We went to see Despicable Me (which was an ok movie), played House of the Dead at the arcades (funny enough, he took a lot of hits, and then when he took over my gun, he took hits again), played Rock Band 2 together and saw a couple of reviews by Phelous.  We were gonna go to his internet cafe when we found out it was closed.  So we tried that laser tag place which had Terminator Salvation the arcade game there, which was also closed on monday.

There are a dozen references I could use for this one, but let's go for the more simplistic: Screw mondays >:(
Aside from that, we watched an episode of the Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers and had a pretty good time, even though most of the time was spent relaxing after the convention.  His family was also really nice.

Good times.
WellUnreal007 is a good friend of mine.  Sure there has been a bit of a share of issues between us and we do have different tastes on video games and how we view things.  Nevertheless, that has never stopped us from appreciating each other for who we are.  WellUnreal007, as with my other friends, is more than just a friend, but a brother to me.  When ever it comes to solving a problem, we both brain storm and try to come up with a solution.  When we go for achievements in video games, we both get our share of the pie.  When it comes to correcting our flaws, we try what we can to help each other (speaking of which, Unreal, I have went through the entire thread and almost the whole week without saying that word.  Happy now?).

Happy Birthday, WellUnreal007!

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